
View logic is often repetitive, there are standard patterns we repeat over again both within and across projects, and reimplementing the same patterns can be a bore.

These views take some of those patterns and abstract them so you can create views for common tasks quickly without having to write too much code.

Tasks such as rendering a template or redirecting to a new url can be performed by passing parameters at instantiation without defining additional classes.


class flask_generic_views.core.View(**kwargs)

Bases: flask.views.View

The master class-based base view.

All other generic views inherit from this base class. This class itself inherits from flask.views.View and adds a generic constructor, that will convert any keyword arguments to instance attributes.

class GreetingView(View):
    greeting = 'Hello'

    def dispatch_request(self):
        return "{} World!".format(self.greeting)

bonjour_view = GreetingView.as_view('bonjour', greeting='Bonjour')

app.add_url_rule('/bonjour, view_func=bonjour_view)

The above example shows a generic view that allows us to change the greeting while setting up the URL rule.

class flask_generic_views.core.MethodView(**kwargs)

Bases: flask.views.MethodView, flask_generic_views.core.View

View class that routes to methods based on HTTP verb.

This view allows us to break down logic based on the HTTP verb used, and avoid conditionals in our code.

class GreetingView(View):
    greeting = 'Hello'

    def get(self):
        return "{} World!".format(self.greeting)

    def post(self):
        name = request.form.get('name', 'World')

        return "{} {}!".format(self.greeting, name)

bonjour_view = GreetingView.as_view('bonjour', greeting='Bonjour')

app.add_url_rule('/bonjour, view_func=bonjour_view)

The above example will process the request differently depending on wether it was a HTTP POST or GET.

class flask_generic_views.core.TemplateView(**kwargs)

Bases: flask_generic_views.core.TemplateResponseMixin, flask_generic_views.core.ContextMixin, flask_generic_views.core.MethodView

Renders a given template, with the context containing parameters captured by the URL rule.

class AboutView(View):
    template_name = 'about.html'

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        kwargs['staff'] = ('John Smith', 'Jane Doe')

        return super(AboutView, self).get_context_data(self, **kwargs)

app.add_url_rule('/about', view_func=AboutView.as_view('about'))

The TemplateView can be subclassed to create custom views that render a template.

about_view = TemplateView.as_view('about', template_name='about.html')

app.add_url_rule('/about', view_func=about_view,  defaults={
    'staff': ('John Smith', 'Jane Doe')

It can also be used directly in a URL rule to avoid having to create additional classes.


Handle request and return a template response.

Any keyword arguments will be passed to the views context.

Parameters:kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments from url rule
Return type:werkzeug.wrappers.Response
class flask_generic_views.core.RedirectView(**kwargs)

Bases: flask_generic_views.core.View

Redirects to a given URL.

The given URL may contain dictionary-style format fields which will be interpolated against the keyword arguments captured from the URL rule using the format() method.

An URL rule endpoint may be given instead, which will be passed to url_for() along with any keyword arguments captured by the URL rule.

When no URL can be found a Gone exception will be raised.

class ShortView(RedirectView):

    permanent = True
    query_string = True
    endpoint = 'post-detail'

    def get_redirect_url(self, **kwargs):
        post = Post.query.get_or_404(base62.decode(kwargs['code']))
        kwargs['slug'] = post.slug
        return super(ShortView, self).get_redirect_url(**kwargs)

   short_view = ShortView.as_view('short')

   app.add_url_rule('/s/<code>', view_func=short_view)

The above example will redirect “short links” where the pk is base62 encoded to the correct url.

google_view = RedirectView.as_view('google', url='http://google.com/')

app.add_url_rule('/google', view_func=google_view)

It can also be used directly in a URL rule to avoid having to create additional classes for simple redirects.

url = None

String containing the URL to redirect to or None to raise a Gone exception.

endpoint = None

The name of the endpoint to redirect to. URL generation will be done using the same keyword arguments as are passed in for this view.

permanent = False

Whether the redirect should be permanent. The only difference here is the HTTP status code returned. When True, then the redirect will use status code 301. When False, then the redirect will use status code 302.

query_string = False

Whether to pass along the query string to the new location. When True, then the query string is appended to the URL. When False, then the query string is discarded.


Redirect the user to the result of.

get_redirect_url(), when by default it will issue a 302 temporary redirect, except when permanent is set to the True, then a 301 permanent redirect will be used.

When the redirect URL is None, a Gone exception will be raised.

Any keyword arguments will be used to build the URL.

Parameters:kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments from url rule
Return type:werkzeug.wrappers.Response

Retrieve URL to redirect to.

When url is not None then it is returned after being interpolated with the keyword arguments using format().

When url is None and endpoint is not None then it is passed to url_for() with the keyword arguments, and any query string is removed.

The query string from the current request can be added to the new URL by setting query_string to True.

Parameters:kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments
Return type:str
class flask_generic_views.core.FormView(**kwargs)

Bases: flask_generic_views.core.TemplateResponseMixin, flask_generic_views.core.BaseFormView

View class to display a Form. When invalid it shows the form with validation errors, when valid it redirects to a new URL.

class ContactForm(Form):
    email = StringField('Name', [required(), email()])
    message = TextAreaField('Message', [required()])

class ContactView(FormView):
    form_class = ContactForm
    success_url = '/thanks'
    template_name = 'contact.html'

    def form_valid(self, form):
        message = Message('Contact Form', body=form.message.data,



The above example will render the template contact.html with an instance of ContactForm in the context variable view, when the user submits the form with valid data an email will be sent, and the user redirected to /thanks, when the form is submitted with invalid data content.html will be rendered again, and the form will contain any error messages.


class flask_generic_views.core.ContextMixin

Bases: object

Default handling of view context data any mixins that modifies the views context data should inherit from this class.

class RandomMixin(ContextMixin):
    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault('number', random.randrange(1, 100))

        return super(RandomMixin, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)

Returns a dictionary representing the view context. Any keyword arguments provided will be included in the returned context.

The context of all class-based views will include a view variable that points to the View instance.

Parameters:kwargs (dict) – context
Return type:dict
class flask_generic_views.core.TemplateResponseMixin

Bases: object

Creates Response instances with a rendered template based on the given context. The choice of template is configurable and can be customised by subclasses.

class RandomView(TemplateResponseMixin, MethodView):
    template_name = 'random.html'

    def get(self):
        context = {'number': random.randrange(1, 100)}
        return self.create_response(context)

random_view = RandomView.as_view('random')

app.add_url_rule('/random, view_func=random_view)
mimetype = None

The mime type type to use for the response. The mimetype is passed as a keyword argument to response_class.

response_class = flask.Response

The Response class to be returned by create_response().

template_name = None

The string containing the full name of the template to use. Not defining template_name will cause the default implementation of get_template_names() to raise a NotImplementedError exception.

create_response(context=None, **kwargs)

Returns a response_class instance containing the rendered template.

If any keyword arguments are provided, they will be passed to the constructor of the response class.

  • context (dict) – context for template
  • kwargs (dict) – response keyword arguments


Return type:



Returns a list of template names to use for when rendering the template.

The default implementation will return a list containing template_name, when not specified a NotImplementedError exception will be raised.

Returns:template list
Return type:list
Raises:NotImplementedError – when template_name is not set
class flask_generic_views.core.FormMixin

Bases: flask_generic_views.core.ContextMixin

Provides facilities for creating and displaying forms.

data = {}

A dictionary containing initial data for the form.

form_class = None

The form class to instantiate.

success_url = None

The URL to redirect to when the form is successfully processed.

prefix = ''

The prefix for the generated form.


Creates a response using the return value of.


Parameters:form (flask_wtf.Form) – form instance
Return type:werkzeug.wrappers.Response

Redirects to get_success_url().

Parameters:form (flask_wtf.Form) – form instance
Return type:werkzeug.wrappers.Response

Extends the view context with a form variable containing the return value of get_form().

Parameters:kwargs (dict) – context
Return type:dict

Retrieve data to pass to the form.

By default returns a copy of data.

Return type:dict

Create a Form instance using get_form_class() using get_form_kwargs().

Return type:flask_wtf.Form

Retrieve the form class to instantiate.

By default returns form_class.

Returns:form class
Return type:type
Raises:NotImplementedError – when form_class is not set

Retrieve the keyword arguments required to instantiate the form.

The data argument is set using get_data() and the prefix argument is set using get_prefix(). When the request is a POST or PUT, then the formdata argument will be set using get_formdata().

Returns:keyword arguments
Return type:dict

Retrieve prefix to pass to the form.

By default returns a werkzeug.datastructures.CombinedMultiDict containing flask.request.form and flask.request.files.

Returns:form / file data
Return type:werkzeug.datastructures.CombinedMultiDict

Retrieve prefix to pass to the form.

By default returns prefix.

Return type:str

Retrive the URL to redirect to when the form is successfully validated.

By default returns success_url.

Return type:str
Raises:NotImplementedError – when success_url is not set
class flask_generic_views.core.ProcessFormView(**kwargs)

Bases: flask_generic_views.core.MethodView

Provides basic HTTP GET and POST processing for forms.

This class cannot be used directly and should be used with a suitable mixin.


Creates a response using the return value of.


Parameters:kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments from url rule
Return type:werkzeug.wrappers.Response

Constructs and validates a form.

When the form is valid form_valid() is called, when the form is invalid form_invalid() is called.

Parameters:kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments from url rule
Return type:werkzeug.wrappers.Response

Passes all keyword arguments to post().

Parameters:kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments from url rule
Return type:werkzeug.wrappers.Response
class flask_generic_views.core.BaseFormView(**kwargs)

Bases: flask_generic_views.core.FormMixin, flask_generic_views.core.ProcessFormView

View class to process handle forms without response creation.


Views logic often relates to retrieving and persisting data in a database, these views cover some of the most common patterns for working with models using the SQLAlchemy library.

Tasks such as displaying, listing, creating, updating, and deleting objects can be performed by passing parameters at instantiation without defining additional classes.


class flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.DetailView(**kwargs)

Bases: flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.SingleObjectTemplateResponseMixin, flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.BaseDetailView

Renders a given template,, with the context containing an object retrieved from the database.

class PostDetailView(DetailView):
    model = Post

    def context_data(self, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault('now', datetime.now())

post_detail = PostDetailView.as_view('post_detail')

app.add_url_rule('/posts/<pk>', view_func=post_detail)

The above example will render the post_detail.html template from a folder named after the current blueprint, when no blueprint is used it will look in the root template folder. The view context will contain the object as object and the current date-time as now.

post_detail = DetailView.as_view('post_detail', model=Post)

app.add_url_rule('/post/<pk>', view_func=post_detail)

It can also be used directly in a URL rule to avoid having to create additional classes.

{# post_detail.html #}
<h1>{{ object.title }}</h1>
<p>{{ object.body }}</p>
<p>Published: {{ object.published_at }}</p>
<p>Date: {{ now }}</p>
class flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.ListView(**kwargs)

Bases: flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.MultipleObjectTemplateResponseMixin, flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.BaseListView

Renders a given template,, with the context containing a list of objects retrieved from the database.

class PostListView(DetailView):
    model = Post

    def context_data(self, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault('now', datetime.now())

post_list = PostDetailView.as_view('post_list')

app.add_url_rule('/posts', view_func=post_list)

The above example will render the post_list.html template from a folder named after the current blueprint, when no blueprint is used it will look in the root template folder. The view context will contain the list of objects as post_list and the current date-time as now.

post_list = ListView.as_view('post_list', model=Post)

app.add_url_rule('/posts', view_func=post_list)

It can also be used directly in a URL rule to avoid having to create additional classes.

{# post_list.html #}
{% for post in object_list  %}
  <li>{{ post.title }}</li>
{% else %}
  <li>No posts found.</li>
{% endfor %}
class flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.CreateView(**kwargs)

Bases: flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.SingleObjectTemplateResponseMixin, flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.BaseCreateView

View class to display a form for creating an object. When invalid it shows the form with validation errors, when valid it saves a new object to the database and redirects to a new URL.

class PostCreateView(FormView):
    model = Post
    fields = ('title', 'body')
    success_url = '/posts/{id}'

post_create = PostCreateView.as_view('post_create')

app.add_url_rule('/posts/new', view_func=post_create)

The above example will render the template post_form.html with an instance of flask_wtf.Form in the context variable form with fields based on fields and ModelFormView.model, when the user submits the form with valid data an instance of Post will be saved to the database, and the user redirected to its page, when the form is submitted with invalid data post_form.html will be rendered again, and the form will contain any error messages.

post_create = CreateView.as_view('post_create', model=Post,
                                 fields=('title', 'body'),
                                 success_url = '/posts/{id}')

app.add_url_rule('/posts/new', view_func=post_create)

It can also be used directly in a URL rule to avoid having to create additional classes.

{# post_form.html #}
<form action="" method="post">
  <p>{{ form.title.label }} {{ form.title }}</p>
  <p>{{ form.title.label }} {{ form.title }}</p>
  <input type="submit" value="Save">
template_name_suffix = '_form'

The suffix to use when generating a template name from the model class

class flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.UpdateView(**kwargs)

Bases: flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.SingleObjectTemplateResponseMixin, flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.BaseUpdateView

View class to display a form for updating an object. When invalid it shows the form with validation errors, when valid it saves the updated object to the database and redirects to a new URL.

class PostUpdateView(FormView):
    model = Post
    fields = ('title', 'body')
    success_url = '/posts/{id}'

post_update = PostUpdateView.as_view('post_update')

app.add_url_rule('/posts/new', view_func=post_update)

The above example will render the template post_form.html with an instance of flask_wtf.Form in the context variable form with fields based on fields and ModelFormView.model, when the user submits the form with valid data an instance of Post will be updated in the database, and the user redirected to its page, when the form is submitted with invalid data post_form.html will be rendered again, and the form will contain any error messages.

post_update = UpdateView.as_view('post_update', model=Post,
                                 fields=('title', 'body'),
                                 success_url = '/posts/{id}')

app.add_url_rule('/posts/<pk>/edit', view_func=post_update)

It can also be used directly in a URL rule to avoid having to create additional classes.

{# post_form.html #}
<form action="" method="post">
  <p>{{ form.title.label }} {{ form.title }}</p>
  <p>{{ form.title.label }} {{ form.title }}</p>
  <input type="submit" value="Save">
template_name_suffix = '_form'

The suffix to use when generating a template name from the model class

class flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.DeleteView(**kwargs)

Bases: flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.SingleObjectTemplateResponseMixin, flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.BaseDeleteView

Displays a confirmation page and deletes an existing object. The object will ve deleted on POST or DELETE requests, for GET requests a conformation page will be shown which should contain a form to POST to the same URL.

class PostDeleteView(DeleteView):
    model = Post
    success_url = "/posts"

post_delete = PostDeleteView.as_view('post_delete')

app.add_url_rule('/posts/<id>', view_func=post_delete)

The above will render post_delete.html when accessed by GET request, for a POST or DELETE request an instance will be deleted from the database and the user redirected to /posts.

post_delete = DeleteView.as_view('post_delete', model=Post,
                                 success_url = '/posts')

app.add_url_rule('/posts/<id>/delete', view_func=post_delete)

It can also be used directly in a URL rule to avoid having to create additional classes.

{# post_form.html #}
<form action="" method="post">
  <p>Are you sure you want to delete "{{ object }}"?</p>
  <input type="submit" value="Delete">
template_name_suffix = '_delete'

The suffix to use when generating a template name from the model class



A proxy to the current SQLAlchemy session provided by Flask-SQLAlchemy.

class flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.SingleObjectMixin

Bases: flask_generic_views.core.ContextMixin

Provides the ability to retrieve an object based on the current HTTP request.


The the object used by the view.

model = None

The Model class used to retrieve the object used by this view.

This property is a shorthand, model = Post and query = Post.query are functionally identical.

query = None

The Query instance used to retrieve the object used by this view.

slug_field = 'slug'

The name of model field that contains the slug

context_object_name = None

The name of the context variable name to store the object in.

slug_view_arg = 'slug'

The name of the view keyword argument that contains the slug.

pk_view_arg = 'pk'

The name of the view keyword argument that contains the primary-key.

query_pk_and_slug = False

When True get_object() will filter the query by both primary-key and slug when available.


Extends the view context with object.

When object is set, an object` variable containing object is added to the context.

A variable named with the result of get_context_object_name() containing object will be added to the context.

Parameters:kwargs (dict) – context
Return type:dict

Retrieve the context variable name that object will be stored under.

By default it will return context_object_name, falling back to a name based on the model from query or model, the model BlogPost would have the context object name blog_post.

Returns:context object name
Return type:str

Retrieve the model used to retrieve the object used by this view.

By default returns the model associated with query when it’s set, otherwise it will return model.

Return type:flask_sqlalchemy.Model

Retrieve the object used by the view.

The Query object from get_query() will be used as a base query for the object.

When pk_view_arg exists in the current requests view_args it will be used to filter the query by primary-key.

When slug_view_arg exists in the current requests view_args and either no primary-key was found or query_pk_and_slug is True then it will be used to filter the query by slug_field.

Return type:flask_sqlalchemy.Model
Raises:werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound – when no result found

Retrieve the query used to retrieve the object used by this view.

By default returns query when it’s set, otherwise it will return a query for model.

Return type:sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query

Retrive the name of model field that contains the slug.

By default it will return slug_field.

Returns:slug field
Return type:str
class flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.BaseDetailView(**kwargs)

Bases: flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.SingleObjectMixin, flask_generic_views.core.MethodView

View class to retrieve an object.


Set object to the result of get_object() and create a response using the return value of get_context_data().

Parameters:kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments from url rule
Return type:werkzeug.wrappers.Response
class flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.SingleObjectTemplateResponseMixin

Bases: flask_generic_views.core.TemplateResponseMixin

Creates Response instances with a rendered template based on the given context.

When no template names are provided, the class will try and generate one based on the model name.


Retrives a list of template names to use for when rendering the template.

When no template_name is set then the following will be provided instead:

  • the value of the template_name_field field on the model when availible.
  • A template based on template_name_suffix, the model, and the current blueprint. The model BlogArticle in blueprint blogging would generate the template name blogging/blog_article_detail.html, no blueprint would generate blog_article_detail.html
Returns:list of template names
Return type:list
class flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.MultipleObjectMixin

Bases: flask_generic_views.core.ContextMixin

Provides the ability to retrieve a list of objects based on the current HTTP request.

If paginate_by is specified, the object list will be paginated. You can specify the page number in the URL in one of two ways:

  • Pass the page as a view argument in the url rule.

    post_list = PostListView.as_view('post_list')
    app.add_url_rule('/posts/page/<int:page>', view_func=post_list)
  • Pass the page as a query-string argument in the request url.


When no page is provided it defaults to 1.

When error_out is set, a non numeric page number or empty page (other than the first page) will result in a NotFound exception.


The final Query instance used by the view.

error_out = False

Wether to raise a NotFound exception when no results are found.

query = None

The base Query instance used by this view.

model = None

The Model class used to retrieve the object used by this view.

This property is a shorthand, model = Post and query = Post.query are functionally identical.

per_page = None

The number of results to return per page, when None pagination will be disabled.

context_object_name = None

The name of the context variable name to store the object_list in.

pagination_class = flask_sqlalchemy.Pagination

The Pagination class to be returned by get_pagination().

page_arg = 'page'

The name of the view / query-string keyword argument that contains the page number.

order_by = None

A tuple of criteria to pass to pass to the query order_by() method.

apply_pagination(object_list, per_page, error_out)

Retrieves a 3-item tuple containing (pagination, object_list, is_paginated).

The pagination from get_pagination(), The object_list paginated with page from get_page() and per_page, and wether there is more than one page will be returned.

When error_out is set then a NotFound exception will be raised when the page number is invalid, or refers to an empty page greater than 1.


pagination instance, object list, is paginated

Return type:



werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound – when page number is invalid


Extends the view context with object.

When the return value of get_per_page() is not None, then object_list will be paginated with apply_pagination() and the resulting pagination, object_list and is_paginated will be stored in the view context. Otherwise the result of executing object_list will be stored in object_list, pagination will be None, and is_paginated will be False.

A variable named with the result of get_context_object_name() containing object_list will be added to the context.

Parameters:kwargs (dict) – context
Return type:dict

Retrieve the context variable name that object will be stored under.

By default it will return context_object_name, falling back to a name based on the model from query or model, the model BlogPost would have the context object name blog_post_list.

Returns:context object name
Return type:str

Retrive how invalid page numbers or empty pages are handled.

When True a werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound will be raised for invalid page numbers or empty pages greater than one.

When False invalid page numbers will default to 1 and empty pages will be rendered with an empty object_list.

By default returns error_out.

Returns:error out
Return type:bool

Retrieve the model used to retrieve the object used by this view.

By default returns the model associated with query when it’s set, otherwise it will return model.

Return type:flask_sqlalchemy.Model

Retrieve a tuple of criteria to pass to pass to the query order_by() method.

Returns:list of order by criteria
Return type:list

Retrieve the current page number.

The page is first checked for in the view keyword arguments, and then the query-string arguments using the key from page_arg.

When the value is not a an unsigned integer greater than zero and error_out is True then a NotFound exception will be raised. When False the page will default to 1.

Parameters:error_out (bool) – raise error on invalid page number
Returns:number of items per page
Return type:int
get_pagination(query, page, per_page, total, items)

pagination instance

Return type:



Retrieve the number of items to show per page.

By default returns per_page.

Returns:number of items per page
Return type:int

Retrieve the query used to retrieve the object used by this view.

By default returns query when it’s set, otherwise it will return a query for model.

Return type:flask_sqlalchemy.BaseQuery
class flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.BaseListView(**kwargs)

Bases: flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.MultipleObjectMixin, flask_generic_views.core.MethodView

View class to retrieve a list of objects.


Set object_list to the result of get_query() and create a view from the context.

Parameters:kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments from url rule
Return type:werkzeug.wrappers.Response
class flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.MultipleObjectTemplateResponseMixin

Bases: flask_generic_views.core.TemplateResponseMixin

template_name_suffix = '_list'

The suffix to use when generating a template name from the model class


Retrives a list of template names to use for when rendering the template.

When no template_name is set then the following will be provided instead:

  • A template based on template_name_suffix, the model, and the current blueprint. The model BlogArticle in blueprint blogging would generate the template name blogging/blog_article_list.html, no blueprint would generate blog_article_list.html
Returns:list of template names
Return type:list
class flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.ModelFormMixin

Bases: flask_generic_views.core.FormMixin, flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.SingleObjectMixin

fields = None

A tuple of str mapping to the names of column attribute on the model, these will be added as form fields on the automatically generated form.


Creates or updates object from model, persists it to database, and redirects to get_success_url().

Parameters:form (flask_wtf.Form) – form instance
Return type:werkzeug.wrappers.Response

Retrieve the form class to instantiate.

When form_class is not set, a form class will be automatically generated using model and fields.

Returns:form class
Return type:type

Extends the form keyword arguments with obj containing object when set.

Returns:keyword arguments
Return type:dict

Retrive the URL to redirect to when the form is successfully validated.

By default returns success_url after being interpolated with the object attributes using format(). So "/posts/{id}" will be populated with self.object.id

Return type:str
class flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.BaseCreateView(**kwargs)

Bases: flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.ModelFormMixin, flask_generic_views.core.ProcessFormView

View class for creating an object.

class flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.BaseUpdateView(**kwargs)

Bases: flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.ModelFormMixin, flask_generic_views.core.ProcessFormView

View class for updating an object.


Set object to the result of get_object() and create a response using the return value of get_context_data().

Parameters:kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments from url rule
Return type:werkzeug.wrappers.Response

Set object to the result of get_object() and construct and validates a form.

When the form is valid form_valid() is called, when the form is invalid form_invalid() is called.

Parameters:kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments from url rule
Return type:werkzeug.wrappers.Response
class flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.DeletionMixin

Bases: object

Handle the DELETE http method.

success_url = None

The URL to redirect to after deletion.


Set object to the result of get_object(), delete the object from the database, and create a response using the return value of get_context_data().

Parameters:kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments from url rule
Return type:werkzeug.wrappers.Response

Retrive the URL to redirect to when the form is successfully validated.

By default returns success_url after being interpolated with the object attributes using format(). So "/posts/{id}" will be populated with self.object.id

Return type:str

Passes all keyword arguments to delete().

Parameters:kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments from url rule
Return type:werkzeug.wrappers.Response
class flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.BaseDeleteView(**kwargs)

Bases: flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.DeletionMixin, flask_generic_views.sqlalchemy.BaseDetailView

View class for deleting an object.